
A shell script, named monitor.

cd /path/to/your/script/

A shell script, named loadAverage.

uptime | sed -e 's/.* load average: \(.*\), \(.*\), \(.*\)/INSERT INTO loadAverage (load1,load5,load15) VALUES (\1,\2,\3);/' | mysql -u root system
./gnuplot loadAverage load1 load5 load15

A shell script, named gnuplot.

cd /path/to/your/script/
lynx -dump "http://localhost/monitor/gnuplot.php?table=$1&time=hour&c1=$2&c2=$3&c3=$4" | gnuplot
lynx -dump "http://localhost/monitor/gnuplot.php?table=$1&time=day&c1=$2&c2=$3&c3=$4" | gnuplot
lynx -dump "http://localhost/monitor/gnuplot.php?table=$1&time=week&c1=$2&c2=$3&c3=$4" | gnuplot
if date "+%M" | grep "00"
  then lynx -dump "http://localhost/monitor/gnuplot.php?table=$1&time=month&c1=$2&c2=$3&c3=$4" | gnuplot
if date "+%H%M" | grep "0005"
  then lynx -dump "http://localhost/monitor/gnuplot.php?table=$1&time=year&c1=$2&c2=$3&c3=$4" | gnuplot
  elif date "+%H%M" | grep "0006"
  then lynx -dump "http://localhost/monitor/gnuplot.php?table=$1&time=year&c1=$2&c2=$3&c3=$4" | gnuplot


*/5 * * * * /path/to/your/script/monitor >> /dev/null 2>&1

A basic template for data retrieval.

A simple webpage to display these graphs.


Want to graph another category? Create another MySQL table and create another shell script, both named diskFree.

df -k / | grep "% /" | sed -e 's/.* \(.*\)%.*/INSERT INTO diskFree (root) VALUES (\1);/' | mysql -u root system
./gnuplot diskFree root

Modify the monitor script to include diskFree.

cd /path/to/your/script/